So i just arose from the slumber after a wild night of boozing at Jack Palance and i came across this article on demerarawaves.com -
Halleluah - praise be to the spirits in this bottle i am about to take a sip from...uahhh...swallows hard...nothing like extra mature on de rocks!
Why those frikcers could not have burnt that vehicle to shreds.
Yo dats blood money which bought that vehicle for Mark Benscop - the blood of all my people.
That is why Mark Benschop can never find peace for the rest of his life and in the next as the souls of so many people who were murdered in their beds or dragged off into the cane fields and tortured, then slaughtered or those who they drove up on an sprayed with bullets or that old couple who were slaughtered in Agricola and their home set alight- they all will continue to tug at him.
Benschop already looks like a living dead and paired with his friend FREDDIE - boy you now understand that just like birds of a feather flock together - these two devils cannot live without one another.
Benschop somehow believes that because he is an Angel of Death people will be afraid of him but he really dosen't know Kwame McKoy - big up dude.
I don't care what they say you are, you keep taking the fight to these sonofabitches - thats why they can't stand you Kwame and they will always seek to attack you because you always fight back and when they push you push harder.
They want to take photos of the man's house well do that - but why does benschop have to leave his huge Ford vehicle to do that - could he have not taken those photos from inside his vehicle - it does not take a genius to figure that out.
But no, benschop had to come out his vehicle and enter the man's property because he wanted a showdown with Kwame.
Mark Benschop is not the only individual who has supporters and i dont know who damaged his vehicle but i want to offer my congratulations to them - unless this was a doing of Mark himself to put Kwame in trouble with the law.
The cannot rule out anything with this fool.
I saw Mark crime parthner Julia Johnson on the scene - she is another one who was collecting the blood money to run Prime News.
Adam has the balls to talk up now but during the crime wave when the gunmen used to come and even pick her up and take her to Buxton, he could not say shit to her as he was afraid his head would be blown off.
Now he wants to big up himself.
Time is slowly catching up with these criminals who have parading as journalists in Guyana.
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