We cyant stop laughing at the dunces over at Kaieteur News. The entire workforce should be enrolled once again in the Ministry of Education 'no child left behind' remedial programme starting them at the playschool level.
This paper which loves to play inspector gadget using 'Google' apparently only does so when its convenient or probably when the dunder heads manage to remember.
They posted this picture with a huge headline:
Awwww...laawd...armoured usual they try to be sensational and deliberately dupe their readership so they could sell more papers the next day. As anyone can easily see that the piece of equipment is an AMPHIBIOUS VEHICLE.

While some models are used by the military to transport personnel in complex terrains such as swamps, it is extremely popular with those who love the outdoors because of their same versatility, especially hunters and sport fishers.
There are numerous models, even some pimpin rides being sold customized.
This is an image of the exact model which was photographed at the wharf and no doubt was imported either by a company with interest in the interior to those who love to hunt.
Having said that though it would not be bad for the Government of Guyana to invest in some of these vehicles for our armed forces particularly given the nature of our swampy terrain and the fact that the most recent terrorist gang was training in a swampy area somewhere at Rockstone, which is not very far from Linden.
This area was also known to be frequented by the Fine Man gang, and it was discovered that he and his killers camped in the area after their massacre at Bartica on their way back to their safe houses carrying a large quantity of gold and cash which they escaped with.
This area was also known to be frequented by the Fine Man gang, and it was discovered that he and his killers camped in the area after their massacre at Bartica on their way back to their safe houses carrying a large quantity of gold and cash which they escaped with.
So Kaieteur news please ker you skunt and stop trying to create fear within the population.
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