Friday, March 18, 2011


Granger endorsed the soldiers’ actions on elections day 1973

Written by D. RAMROOP

Friday, 18 March 2011 02:28

RECENTLY, there has been a lot of attention on Rtd. Brigadier David Granger, especially since his election as the Presidential Candidate of the PNCR.

A lot of commentators seem to be concerned with what they called “efforts to delve into Mr. Granger’s past”.

But what is so wrong with that? Here is a gentleman who is aspiring for the highest office in the Land.

To want to investigate his past, understand his views and position and gather information on his involvement in public life is perfectly in order.

This sort of scrutiny of public officials is necessary and happens in every corner of the world. For example, we have seen the lengthy process of scrutiny that Supreme Court nominees in the United States are subjected to, and this is not even the highest office in that federation.

Scrutiny of persons, especially in the instance of wanting to be President in Guyana, is especially important if we remember the famous quote: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

A significant portion of our populace, and moreso, our electorate are too young to have firsthand experience of the past.

But let us not allow the PNC to pull wool over our eyes and pretend that they have always cared about a united Guyana.

It is in this light that I wish to revisit, not hearsay, but Mr. Granger’s published works.In 2003, in Chile, Mr. Granger presented a paper entitled “Civil Violence, Domestic Terrorism and Internal Security in Guyana, 1953 – 2003”, wherein he referred to the sinking of MV Sun Chapman when 40 African Guyanese were killed as “the most alarming slaughter of the ‘disturbances’ between the period 1953 – 2004.

Yet, nowhere in this work were the beatings, rape and murder of hundreds of innocent Indian Guyanese residing in Wismar ever mentioned.

Indians were forced out of their own homes, which were then permanently occupied by the perpetrators; yet this was not considered in Granger’s writing of the history of civil violence in Guyana.

If this is not blatant racism and intellectual dishonesty on the part of Mr. Granger then what is?

Was Mr. Granger trying to portray an image that the Wismar massacre never occurred, or should not be considered civil violence?

Please tell us why this horrific event never made its way into your report, Sir? It should also be noted that in this lecture no mention was made of January 12, 1998, when supporters of the PPP were beaten, robbed and stripped, with females–even young students being molested on the streets of Georgetown.

The PNC and even some sections of the media are outraged with the President’s Babu John comments - that Mr. Granger has blood on his bands.

However, it was the same Mr. Granger, who claimed to have been stationed at Atkinson Field (now Timehri) and thus had no hand in the 1973 Ballot Box shooting at Number 63 Village, Corentyne, that later published “The New Road – A Short History of the Guyana Defence Force – 1966 – 1976” that incidentally bore prominent the flags of the PNC, GDF and Guyana.

One can only imagine what the reaction would be like if Commodore Gary Best or any serving officer of the GDF were to issue a publication with the PPP’s flag embedded in it.

In “The New Road – A Short History of the Guyana Defence Force – 1966 – 1976” Mr Granger wrote, “National elections were scheduled for July 1973.

Realising that their hold on the electorate was slipping further and in an abortive attempt to forestall an obvious and overwhelming PNC victory, a campaign of violence and resistance was planned by the PPP.

The GDF was called in to aid the civil power and prevent a breakdown of law and order that was planned by the gangsters.

The operation established the maturity and competence of the Force and through sensible precautions and deployment, the PPP plan was frustrated.

The soldiers behaved splendidly in the face of provocation.

The sound political education that the officers and soldiers received during 1971 and 1972 enabled them to act with tact, discretion and firmness in 1973 and this saved the day.

The GDF, fully aware of the government’s policy and dedicated to serving the working masses, performed really creditably.”

How can shooting and then allowing two men to bleed to death simply because they demanded that the ballots be counted at the place of polls rather than taken away by the GDF be endorsed as “splendid” and “discretionary” behaviour?

Where was the “discretion” in murdering these two young men for protesting their democratic right to have their votes counted?

What was “really credible” in the army taking the ballot boxes to the GDF base?

Yet there is objection to the comment that Mr. Granger has blood on his hands. One would be perfectly in order to say I was not even born in 1973, much less was nine years old, but Mr. Granger I am only reading from your history books.

There is no dispute that the 1973 election was rigged. This fact is documented by both local as well as international organisations.

Yet Mr. Granger had the audacity to refer to the PPP as wanting to “forestall an obvious and overwhelming PNC victory” in 1973.

Now that he is older and hopefully wiser with age one wonders if he is not ashamed at the blatant lies and distortion of history that he promoted in his booklet.

Mr. Granger, you may have conveniently forgotten your role in promoting a racially divided Guyana, but your writings are there for all of us to examine and indeed revisit history.

Finally, I wish to remind those who criticise the PPP, of a statement from the “Declaration of Sophia”, where then Prime Minister Forbes Burnham, in 1974, reminded those gathered, perhaps including Rtd Brigadier Granger, that it was decided “that the Party should assume unapologetically its paramountcy over the government, which is merely one of its executive arms.”

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Yea RASTA! Haile Selassie I! Praise be to the most high!

The 'lost' footage of Bob Marley's early career

By Ron Bhola BBC World Service

Esther Anderson talks through the footage she shot back in the 1970s

A film charting the rise of Bob Marley and The Wailers to international stardom - made from footage shot in the early 1970s and lost for 30 years - is set to get its first public viewing.

It was New York, late 1972, and Esther Anderson was attending an event hosted by Island Records, when Bob Marley walked in.

"He didn't smile but he was very handsome with strong features, he reminded me of Jimi Hendrix," she remembers.

'Bob and I were very similar,' says Esther Anderson (© Esther Anderson 1973. All rights reserved)

Bob Marley was a guest of record producer Chris Blackwell, who had recently signed his group The Wailers to Island Records. The band was on a promotional tour for The Wailers' first album, Catch a Fire, although at that point sales were low.

Ms Anderson had just finished co-starring in A Warm December with Sidney Poitier.

Due to the success of that movie, Bob Marley told her he knew about her and had been following her progress in the newspaper The Gleaner back in Jamaica.

After hearing The Wailers' first album, Ms Anderson realised the huge potential of the group....

Tuesday, March 15, 2011



We cyant stop laughing at the dunces over at Kaieteur News. The entire workforce should be enrolled once again in the Ministry of Education 'no child left behind' remedial programme starting them at the playschool level.

This paper which loves to play inspector gadget using 'Google' apparently only does so when its convenient or probably when the dunder heads manage to remember.

They posted this picture with a huge headline:

Awwww...laawd...armoured usual they try to be sensational and deliberately dupe their readership so they could sell more papers the next day. As anyone can easily see that the piece of equipment is an AMPHIBIOUS VEHICLE.


While some models are used by the military to transport personnel in complex terrains such as swamps, it is extremely popular with those who love the outdoors because of their same versatility, especially hunters and sport fishers.

There are numerous models, even some pimpin rides being sold customized.

This is an image of the exact model which was photographed at the wharf and no doubt was imported either by a company with interest in the interior to those who love to hunt.


Having said that though it would not be bad for the Government of Guyana to invest in some of these vehicles for our armed forces particularly given the nature of our swampy terrain and the fact that the most recent terrorist gang was training in a swampy area somewhere at Rockstone, which is not very far from Linden.

This area was also known to be frequented by the Fine Man gang, and it was discovered that he and his killers camped in the area after their massacre at Bartica on their way back to their safe houses carrying a large quantity of gold and cash which they escaped with.

So Kaieteur news please ker you skunt and stop trying to create fear within the population.


We just came across some of the greatest news which calls for probably a visit to Jack Palance and and catch up with El Toro.

Posted on Mark 'Racist/Blood Thirsty' Benschop web site is the following -

"Former Office of the President consultant, Jud Lohmeyer said "Jagdeo is planning to remain in office, just like Putin did in Russia..."

Praise be to Zeus as i have always hoped that this great leader of ours would remain in office. No matter how much they try to tear down Jagdeo he will always be one of the smartest leader around the world.

It would be such a waste to let go of such a brilliant mind who is still very young and with so much experience.

I am sure this news will spread like wildfire to his foes - the usual suspects who will tingle with fear.

Whoever becomes President of the PPP/C Government, i am making my demand that the Prime Minister MUST BE BHARRAT JAGDEO!

aH dONE 

PPP/C Government vindicated for kicking out Sasenarine Singh

The kanglang in the blue jeans Sasenarine Singh looking devilishly happy at the amount of money he creamed off from the project he was launching prior to being kicked out by the Jagdeo Government after they got wind of his dirty deeds.

La le la la la...

me mamee always use fuh seh...

"every day bucket gan a well, one day eh battam mus fall out"...

Well praise to this finnee a tekkin at Jack Palance...Sasenarine Scamp opps sorry Singh jus get he Sainthood from deh AFC (All for Corruption//Cocaine) tek way big time.

Some man name Fizal Ali skin he up and now he runnin fuh cover...he rass bets dont come hay fuh hide or else is dis whole XM bottle a pushin up he $#!&^.

I always know was time wid he and he confederates dem at de AFC were a bunch of scamps...we will now rename Sasenarine Singh - Skampish Skunt (SS).

Monday, March 14, 2011

Demerara Waves article on Cheddi Jagan III working for the PPP/C Government he supports

Cheddi Jagan's grandson working at Office of the President; rules out candidacy

Cheddi Jagan III addressing the gathering at Babu John, Port Mourant on March 6.
Published on 2011-03-11 13:31:41 in News

Cheddi Jagan III- the grandson of late President Cheddi Jagan- is now working at the Office of the President but he has ruled out being a candidate for the governing Peoples Progressive Party (PPP) in the upcoming election.
“I have no intentions of anything like that; all I am trying to do is focus on a legal career and carrying on the work of my grandfather… nothing in the works,” he said.
The recent Law graduate told that he has been working in the office of Presidential Advisor on Governance, Gail Teixeira since October 2010. That office is responsible for, among other things, Guyana’s reporting and compliance with international conventions.
Cheddi III defended his decision to work with the government, against the background of harsh criticisms by his father, Cheddi ‘Joey’ Jagan. While Joey has consistently praised his parents’ contribution to Guyana, he has been opposed to their leftist approach.
“My father always raised his three children to have a mind of their own and to think for themselves so I support our government and I support carrying on the work of my grandfather
Cheddi III briefly addressed the just under 2,000 persons who last Sunday gathered at Babu John, Port Mourant for a commemorative event in honour of late Presidents Cheddi and Janet Jagan.
He told the gathering that he has returned to serve Guyana and continue his grand-father’s legacy.
The youngest Jagan travelled with President Bharrat Jagdeo in the same vehicle to and from Babu John.


By Seopaul Singh
Black Master and Cult of the Personality
In the October 2000 issue of the Guyana Journal, Mr. Harry Bissoon gave a fairly detailed account of the kind of person Linden Forbes Samson Burnham was. Though this could be slated as anecdotal, I am persuaded that the experience could be retold over and over again by thousands who came into contact with the black imitation of the white "Massa" of plantation days. The picture painted by Mr. Bissoon obviously portrayed the setting of Hope Estate. The neighbors of the Bel Field Residence, too, have a similar experience to share. Such accounts quite emphatically challenge any of the admirers of Burnham to prove whether he was ever a true leader or an aberrant scoundrel?

Did he have the best interest of Guyana at heart or did he do things in his own selfish interests? Burnham was ready to take the nation to the brink in 1953, 1962 and 1964 in his diabolical scheme to grab power. He perpetrated the dictatorship in full view of all locally and in the international arena, staging rigged elections, and celebrating with citywide masquerades.

Without shame or remorse, he went globetrotting with the most extravagant entourage in expensive rented jets while Guyana was listed among the poorest nations on the planet, comparable only to Haiti. During this time also, the Kabaka did not fall short in impressing African leaders with an annual contribution of US$60,000 for the African Liberation Movement. Burnham further set out to muster all the children of the nation into the accursed Mass Games, which disrupted the education of thousands and literally caused a grim set back to the education system.

Jesse Burnham is still turning in her grave over her Machiavellian brother.

But for some time now, some diehard supporters of the late L.F.S. Burnham have succeeded in imposing the image of the erstwhile dictator upon the Guyanese populace without any checks or restraint. Not very long ago his portrait was foisted upon the people and given prominence in the National Cultural Center, to the disgust of hundreds of thousands (in the Indian community in particular). One must not forget the circumstances surrounding the establishment of the National Cultural Center. It was during the heyday of the dictator that he desired the need to develop a "National Culture" with all the trappings of contemporary autocrats such as Kim Ill Sung, Idi Amin, Bokassa, and others in Africa and Latin America. This drove the self-acclaimed Guyanese President-for-Life (of the Cooperative Republic) to commandeer the Indian Immigration Fund to build his house of "Culture".

Immediately, all the PNC bashes were given a ready stage, and their elites front seats for their masquerades. In a vindictive recriminating move Dr. Balwant Singh, former Government Bacteriologist and Pathologist, was targeted for ruination, after he commented on the foregoing at the dedication of the Cultural Center. His Lab on East Street was raided and drugs seized and/or confiscated by the Burnham regime. It should be remembered that this Senior Public Servant Balwant Singh, at the head of the P.S.U., supported the Strike against the PPP Government in 1962. He also played a significant role in the disappearing bullet that killed Assistant Commissioner of Police Ian McLeod. Yet, he was given the royal boot like so many others (Indians) who played up to the PNC regime–and there were quite a few of these 'soup-drinkers'.

Perpetuating His Name
During a reign of over two decades (1965-1985), Forbes Burnham gradually set the stage for the Republic, making the way for his aggrandizement as Executive President (for life). With this he also set the pace for the PNC Party paramountcy (with the Declaration of Sophia, and a rigged Referendum), and with a Constitution that virtually made him unimpeachable. Did he have the wellbeing of the nation at heart? Those who would like to believe this are truly deceived. All that is noticeable here is that he was looking after one person, namely, Burnham and allegedly his "everlasting" legacy of a huge Swiss Bank Account.

I had written before that the Guyanese people should enlist the services of the appropriate International Agency to facilitate the repatriation of the fortunes of any plunderer from the Swiss Bank to the Treasury of Guyana. If my memory serves me right, Burnham was listed in the seventies by a very reputable American print media as the third richest black person in the world way back then. His admirers' persistent reference to his memory and picture is compelling evidence that the current operatives of the PNC are at their lowest ebb of depravity of soul. Is he becoming their god? The extent to which Burnham went to deify himself was almost unlimited.

Surely, Burnham's record showed that he had no respect for the Divine, even as his sister Jesse Burnham had written. This was further evidenced in his gravitation to alleged occult practices. Here was the President who, like Papa Doc of impoverished Haiti and Eric Gairy of Grenada, maintained goon squads of assassins, practicing/legalizing of obeah/witchcraft, and reveling in the poverty of their people. The murder of many, including infants who were disemboweled and decapitated in ritual style during the seventies, had made news during the dictator's struggle to hold on to power. As yet, there has been no true investigation or police report to underline these bizarre killings, and find closure. But some individuals did reveal the Burnham's connection with spiritism. Is this man worthy to be emulated?

His Path of Greed and Self Aggrandizement
Comparatively speaking, Forbes Burnham has been listed side by side with the likes of Bokassa, Adid, Idi Amin and Sese Sekou Mobotu, some of the most notorious butchers and plunderers of Africa. Yet, those Afro-Guyanese, who worship at Burnham's shrine at the Seven Ponds Botanical Gardens, fail to see the monster that was the man. Either his "faithfuls" are totally dumb, or are infused with the same diabolical spirit that made the man the maniac he was. I am saddened by this callous disregard for the usurpation perpetrated by this "idol" of the now reformed PNC. (Visit also the PNC webpage, and note their icon.)

He implanted his name in history: Linden (formerly McKenzie), Burnham Drive, Roxanne Burnham Gardens. He named the East Coast Housing Scheme outside of Enterprise, Melanie, after his daughter. A ceramic enterprise was named after his son-in-law, "Van" Ceram, at the northern corner of A.H &L Kissoon's Furniture Store in Camp Street.

Did not the Kabaka also worm his way into many business holdings? Frederick Mahaica's Gold and Diamond Mining Enterprise mysteriously vanished. Further, it is alleged that "Bel Field Residence", that stood resplendent at taxpayers expense, was confiscated from the Kissoon Dyal's. Others (especially prominent and greedy Indians, and some others) were blackmailed or coerced to accept prominent positions, to make hefty donations, and to give certain facelift to the PNC.

The Prophet Daniel reminded king Nebuchadnezzer of Babylon that "The Almighty rules in the Kingdom of men and gives it to whomsoever He wills." Failure to understand this could prove very fatal to any Emperor, Monarch, President or Dictator. Hoyte should take a que from his predecessor's demise.

My Own Encounter With the Kabaka
Saturday work was already abolished in the Public Service. Daylight saving time was instituted. These moves were instituted to help the nation produce more food on a family basis. The "FCH" Campaign (Feed, Clothes and House) was well under way. Another very autocratic move was made by the Kabaka to garnish 3% of one month's salary to finance the PNC Bi-annual Congress. (Already there was a similar mandatory deduction from our monthly salaries, the National Development Surtax–NDS). So our Saturdays were also being taken away. When the instructions came in writing to the PS Ministry of Trade Winston Murray, the staff members were required to report Saturday morning at the Ministry compound, Main and Urquhart Streets, for transportation to Hope Estate. And we were told we were going to work for the State. We were to be geared for a weeding exercise under the watchful eyes of the Kabaka. Excuses were not accepted. In fact, absence from the team was threatened with certain "disciplinary actions". It would appear that the Senior Public Servants were scoring points for their own promotion at the expense of their subordinate staff. It was vicious blackmail. Later in the sixties, the business community was threatened by the PNC arson brigade to "pay up or burn".

We boarded the lorry to be transported to Hope Estate. At the site, many ordinary folks showed up to work in exchange for hampers of food items. Hampers were kept in a special store on location, and issued upon completion of tasks. I was the Chief Allocation and Distribution Officer at the Ministry of Trade, but could never figure out from where and how the Kabaka got his supplies? The Melanie Outlet was allocated approximately 20% of the gross national essential commodities for the East Coast. Linden was also in receipt of approximately 25% of the gross national for the mining town. At the Hope Estate's store, there was always a stock of scarce commodities such as margarine, cooking oil, soap, powdered milk, toothpaste, and garden produce. On our way to the site, we saw people who had already collected their weekly quota of supplies, and were on their way out from the Estate. These were mostly women. After arriving at the estate, mainly of coconut trees, we were directed to the actual location where weeding primarily was to be done. We were issued cutlasses weed. Most of the tools were not sharp enough to chop the black-sage and bushes to be cut down.

A Vulgar Man Makes a Corrupt President
Within one hour of weeding, the Kabaka showed up riding a horse. He was fully clad in rider's outfit, and was accompanied by Crime Chief Skip Roberts, also on horse back and fully clad in rider's outfit. It was tough work for most of us who had already grown out of that kind of farm work, being Public Servants for over ten years. The cutlasses were heavy and dull, and swinging them did not give the desired results. Our hands were quickly blistered and bruised. There were some women folks who were in knee deep water in the trench with their skirts stuck into the bottom of their under pants. Here I heard first hand the vulgarities, suggestive remarks and abuses that were belched out to the members of the opposite sex. Burnham was barely twenty feet away from where I stood. I was incensed, and wondered what kind of "President" was this? A vulgar man makes a corrupt President. The men in the party were having a great time indulging in the suggestive sexual exchanges. They were following the leader. Similar behavior was also observed during "get-togethers" in which certain females felt verbally violated, and excused themselves.

The Kabaka and his henchmen's philandering were not a secret to many of us. I was reminded of one somewhat attractive young lady of Afro-Guyanese descent, who was invited to a function at the D'Urban Park residence, Vlissengen Road. Late in the evening, she was propositioned by the Kabaka himself to be available for a more intimate encounter. People were generally scared to offend by refusal, because of serious consequences. (We should not forget the circumstances surrounding the murder of Dolly Baksh and her fiancée at Ogle foreshore. Dolly Baksh danced well at a special function at the Residence, sparking a haggling exchange between the Kabaka and one of his militarists. Dolly Baksh and her fiancée were found decapitated commando style that same night after the function. A similar murder of Hogameer of Guybua was committed. It was widely rumored that he allegedly was having an affair with the wife a senior officer of the Army. Hogameer was decapitated in the same manner like Dolly Baksh and her fiancée at Happy Acres on the East Coast, east of Drive-In Cinema. My father who worked at the Drive-In Cinema on that night heard the cry for help, and called the Police.)

Murders in His Menu for Life Presidency
The X-13 Plan undoubtedly tells a gripping story as to what extent Burnham would have gone to eliminate his foes. Had this been a bogus scheme, the Commissioner of Police during 1964 would not have sworn to a statement that there was "Organized Thuggery centrally directed". One of the main players Emmanuel Fairbairn, called Batson, had gained the attention of Desmond Hoyte and his legal defense. Not long ago, a reign of terror was uncovered by the police, perpetrated by an ex GDF soldier named London aka Blackie, targeting Indians. A recent testimony of a former Berbice serviceman alleged that Blackie might have been working with the knowledge of the top brass in the PNC. If this is true, then how long was there such collaboration, if any? Note that after London (Blackie) met his demise, there was ready defense and sympathy for him from the PNC camp. There was indeed murder in the menu of the man who would be President for Life. This he had set about to ensure according to the X-13 Report.

The scheme, which was concocted to bring down Dr. Rodney, no doubt was with the full knowledge of the Kabaka. The GDF Electronic Specialist, Gregory Smith, was first recruited for the task from the Army. He was given specific training to work with the kind of device. Then he was made to infiltrate the WPA. All this was orchestrated to get into the close circle of Dr. Rodney. Then the deal to sell the walkie-talkie for the Party operation was made. What followed was the rigging of a Unit with an anti-personnel device. Rodney was duped, and he met his end. Many others were exterminated by the hit men of the PNC Death Squad. Only time would have yielded the guilt of the murderer of so many other people who were spared by the Kabaka sudden demise. He was President for life indeed–a life cut short by his death.

Was this man a leader or a scoundrel? The reader could give his views either way.

Copyright GuyanaJournal
Burnham, official portrait. The re-making of Burnham, the way 'they' want to remember him.
Burnham, the Afro-Saxon
Burnham as General. Power at all cost.
Burnham, the Kabaka.

"Eat less, Sleep less, Work more..."

I ask Freddie to have Dignity & Respect for himself

By now it is no secret that Freddie Kissoon, UG Lecturer, Kaieteur news columnist and publicity hungry anti-progress protester is a bit loose in his head.

I am not talking about a few screws, Freddie urgently needs a complete brains transplant as his nasty little mind is still stuck in the forgettable periods of the 70's and 80's and he somehow conveniently reminds us when it suits him of how nasty things were back then and the horrible experiences he endured or as in his column recently, how much better off things were back then(if one listens to him they would no doubt feel that Guyana was the land of milk and honey during the Burnham period).

The man could jump from one position to another much better than an Olympic gold medalist long jumper.

What is even more shocking is that Freddie Kissoon somehow prides himself in being an intellectual but in a recent column wants the Berbice people not to be stupid, idiotic and self-destructive ( it appears he feels they might or are stupid but is hoping they will exhibit his excellent senses and accept without question his take on the Jagdeo Government).

What does he use as the blanket argument to justify his alleged horrific atrocities by the Jagdeo Government, well of course the President's sale of his Ogle home and purchase of a portion of land at Spareendam next to the ocean for 5 M.

(So in essence Freddie is saying that the President should not have the right to purchase this land and/or shhould have paid more for the land. Freddie probably would have been happy if the President instead sought one of those lots in the low income section at Tuschen or Bare roots).

This intellectual further goes on to justify his belief by using no other than former Dictator of Guyana LFS Burnham.

I have refused to become angry but rather laugh off this greatest attempt of corruption in Guyana - corrupting the young minds of this nation by no other than Kissoon.

Land and Burnham were best friends during his brutal reign in Guyana, the entire world knows this. There was no need to put his name on all the properties as he was confident that he would be President for life by rigging all the elections as he so successfully did in the past.

State Houses were designed to his liking in various regions and resources of the state had to be lavished on up keeping the aristocratic lifestyle of Burnham and his entourage.

Burnham had his personal estates, such as Hope where he would ride around on his horse (cane in hand - symbol of superiority/royalty) while hundreds of our citizens including those from the public service (and that goes for some of the critics of the Jagdeo Government today maybe even Freddie himself) slaved away on the estates so they could qualify for some soap and oil.

This is not to mention the many estates he personally owned, including the one bought by King Solomon on the Golden Grove Public Road, ECD and another behind the Chinese Embassy in Durban back lands.

Public locations such as Castellani compound, where he personally designed his pool and state house on Main street were places of leisure at the expense of taxpayers.

These are only some of the properties that we know of and ever wonder why his children lead low key lives?

If they were on hard times i am sure that would attract the attention of many. But it appears because they are so well off they have the resources to lead comfortable lives outside the glare of the local populace.

If Burnhan was such as God as two faced Freddie is now making him out to be, why have his children deserted Guyana?

Both the children and grandchildren of Cheddie and Janet Jagan are constantly involved in the further development of this nation in one way or another and while Joey is vocal on issues he observes around the country, his son has taken up the mantle to play a part in the PPP as he demonstrated at the recent memorial service at Babu John in Berbice.

Freddie Kissoon and his handful of like minded colleagues cannot fool Guyanese into believing that they are worse off today when compared to the Burnham and Hoyte periods. And his insistence on continuing with his fairy tales is exactly why only he and his 5 colleagues are the only ones on the picket lines.

The reason why Freddie is tolerated by a few persons is the fact that he could always be used as leverage against the Government to settle vendettas, such as the case between former friends Glen Lall of Kaieteur News and President Bharrat Jagdeo - following the introduction of Guyana Times in the media landscape.

The fact that this lecturer has bought some two house lots in an exclusive housing area, where a lot easily goes for 20M and managed to construct a grand building to call his home has convinced the population that Freddie is the Fox who couldn't reach the grapes so to hide his disappointment he constantly complains that they are bitter.
Freddie's two house lots would amount to around 40M and his home another 60M. When one considers the lawnscaping and other structures around his estate, that's another 10M.

So Freddie would have spent some 110M for his current property not to mention the cost to maintain this lavish lifestyle which was only made possible under the Jagdeo Government.

Another fact that many people are not aware of is that Freddie Kissoon became a great supporter of the PPP, even making several donations to the party somehow wishing that would elevate him in an influential position back in those days. The fact that this never materialised over time has made Kissoon extremely bitter and the end result is what he verbally excretes in his daily columns.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Dale Andrews is one of the chief liars in Kaieteur News.

This man who is Kaieteur News crime reporter next to Glen's boy toy Michael resides at Bachelors Adventure on the ECD.

He takes home a hefty sum at the end of the month and of course no worker at Kaieteur pays any taxes as their money is paid over as allowances.

This should interest the GRA as this media house which is always keen to point its finger at those it perceives as breaking the law is guilty of doing exactly that.

Recently he was in the news when the Police decided to revoke one of the firearm licenses issued to Glenn Lall, for a handgun which was in the possession of Dale.

Could one imagine a reporter having the need to walk around with a firearm, what kind of a journalist is he?

It is believed that it was because of his misinformation and boasting about his interactions with criminals, that members of the Fine Man gang at Agricola targeted Kaieteur News in the bloody massacre.

So in essence, Dale Andrews has blood on his hands for the deaths of those innocent workers who had nothing to do with the lies he writes about daily.

Dale receives much of his support from the racist-fellowship which exist in Kaieteur and led by Adam.

As long as Kaieteur news continues to make money, Glen Liar remains a happy man and continues to seek ways to remain sensational as he has learnt very well from the likes of CN Sharma, Christopher Ram and Mark Benschop, that opposing the Government is extremely profitable in Guyana.

These young underlings like Dale are hoping to follow suit so they can emerge with large homes and SUV's in the not too distant future.

Speaking about SUV's - whatever happened to that SUV which was given to Dale by Glen Liar?

Word is he had taken it back after Dale refused to have sex with him.

But that is another story. pip pip


Unethical reportage of Government’s programmes

Written by P. KARAN   
Tuesday, 08 March 2011 03:53
IT is time that people of this nation stand up against some of the lies published in the Kaieteur News as it can mislead not only the local populace but the international community.

The latest episode involving a sluice door at Coverden depicts the poor journalistic skills of its reporters, who are eager to publish stories without any verification of the subject matter.

I wish to comment a little on the article titled: “Tender Board withholds specs from media – KN Publisher” in the Kaieteur News dated Saturday, March 5, 2011, which is another cover-up story. Having read the entire content of the article, I found it strange that Mr. Glen Lall chose to defend his article rather than offer an apology for the inaccurate article from the previous day.

The explanation that he proffers for publishing the wrong sluice does not have any merit, since it does not matter whether the picture published was of “a sluice bordering Coverden and Caledonia” since the correct sluice to be rehabilitated should have been in the picture, moreso since it was on the front page.


Kaieteur News publication of personal accounts unethical journalism

Written by ROGER A. BHULAI   
Tuesday, 08 March 2011 03:58
I WAS totally flabbergasted that the Kaieteur News would print the names, bank  and account numbers of military personnel who were paid for services rendered to another entity (KN 3/3/2011, pg 6).
This is totally unacceptable, uncouth, irresponsible and extremely dangerous journalism.

What is Kaieteur News trying to do, authenticate their information by publishing account numbers?
As a former, but nevertheless, forever banker I know that this type of information is privy only to the account holder. The sacrosanctity of the privacy of these patriotic Guyanese has been seriously compromised as a result of cheap publicity.......

Monday, March 7, 2011


Dis bannas El Toro like rush to conclusion.

For your information i posted that piece at the request of Guardian who e-mailed it and was in a rush, so there.

I have always supported the PNC, my family have always supported the PNC and i will continue to support the PNC.

David Granger has been selected to lead the party and no matter all your huffin n puffin, i am fairly confident my party will do well at the next elections.

However, i am a realist Bull and pardon me for being excited initially when i heard Granger was elected but call a spade a spade, i know your party will most likely win the upcoming elections again.

But we will have to see by what magarin to determine what will be your fate in 2016.

I heard the President biggin up heself at Babu John about the dark days under the PNC. Yo, those days are behind us and Granger has already said he knows nothing about rigged elections and killings.

Give the man a break yo. Why they so keen on taking back us into the past when at the same time they saying Guyanese must stay focused on the future.

Sheer double standards in this Government, no wonder Kaieteur news tekkin into alyuh rass so much.

I might not agree with some of their misinformation but sometimes those stupid reproters and Eve does make sense, like those shitty roads they building all over the place or Irfaat only giving he muslim sisters all deh land that lef at Diamond and those other housing schemes.

I heard you goodly housing minister also telling ladies that he will give them house lots to have sex with him, what a desperado.

Is people like this you defending El Toro, shame on you?

I hear one of the ladies coming up with she story soon, you better pray that Mark Benschop or Kaieteur dont get hold of her. Cyant wait.

You gat Berri Berri, Liarsammy, Sledgehammer, Irfaatsexfuhland etc. and you have the gall to criticise the PNC.

Bai gwaan from hay with you BULL$#!t, name and nature El TORO.

We done select we Presidential candidate a wan see the dingaling over at Freedom house weh you gat 15 people who feel dem is president already.

A wan see what gon happen there over the next few days.

In any case, with Corbin and Granger we confident that we will do better than the last election.


Eh eh yute. I knew you would have come around but not so soon.

Like someone offer you a big position in de PPP or wah?

Just a few days ago you de praisin de nomination of David Granger as PNC Presidential Candidate and now you cussin deh man.

U changing sides faster that Mark Benschop does change SUV's man.

When las you been German's to drink SOUP bai?

What you did was prove meh right when as saying deh PNC people moving faster to de PPP dan dem Libyans fleeing across de border.

On another note - i ave now confirmed that those who work at Kaieteur News are a pack of bare faced liars starting with Glen Liar his wife Adam and their little kids all known by their title: Liars.

So when you see them around town you say - ohh look! There goes a LIAR.

He also has some kids born out of wedlock in various areas across the country, such as Pussaram Liar from Berbice.

Yu jus had to read yestaday's Kaieteur News to see how hard de wer tryin to con-vince de readership that Kwame was de guilty party, even though Benschop was inside de man's yard and trying to or entered he house.

One time, the paper gave the impression that benschop was inside his vehicle taking photos but could not explan how Mark did not drive away but rather had to run away from the scene.

Next is the allegation by Mark that Kwame and some men pulled guns on him but even Kaieteur could not pass that one off by lying as eyewitnesses said no one pulled a gun on Mark.

Then if Mark was in his vehicle peacefully taking photos of Kwame's house why was he hiding in a bush with some other guy or guys - or does he still miss those days in prison with his fellow inMATES?

Remember the ole saying a BIRD in hand is better than TWO in the BUSH.

Mark apparently never learnt that ole saying - he want to go an play with birdie in deh bush.

Is nah me seh suh - is dem bai seh suh - axe adam liar.

Now i want to know how could Mark Benschop seh is Kwame bruck he vehicle when he was not around but hiding doing god knows what in deh bush with some man he pay 30,000 dollars to accompany him into deh bush?

That is one expensive escort, dem bai nuh stay suh dem gun stick to dem gyals at Olympia and Red Dragon.

Dem nah even venture on Sheriff Street and deh Cathedral because by de time dem find out wah type a bird dem buy - it may be too late.

So weh keepin we bat an pads close together when we playin we shot - cause we nah wan get bowled by a googly round we back like Mark Bushcock.

Finally, as wanda why Mark Bushcock was so keen to enter Kwame property from deh rear - rada dan from in front?

Meh still cyant figure dat one out. tek a shot deh...

Sunday, March 6, 2011


We at the Guardian are now part of the Kwame McKoy fan club.

We must say we were initially hesitant because of all that has been said before about this individual in the press.

However, after the illegal entry into the home of McKoy by Benschop and associate who publicly admitted that they were promised $35,000 dollars we firmly believe that there is a deliberate campaign to besmirch the character of the Office of the President spokesperson.

If McKoy was this devil Benschop and his associates in the opposition media have been trying hard to make him out to be, he would have shot benschop on site as an intruder.

But Kwame did not do this and even the youth paid by Benschop to assist him in invading McKoy's home admitted that Benschop is a liar for stating that Kwame and a colleague had pulled guns on him.

As he did at Office of the President by encouraging those protesters to invade that complex while cunningly staying outside knowing fully well what would have been the consequences, Benschop would have led that innocent youth to his death yesterday by encouraging him to break into McKoy's property so that if anyone was to be charged or held accountable, Benschop would get off Scot free.

However, he did not bargain for McKoy's workers to enter the building at the time they did.

With the way Kwame has fought consistently against these devils, the Guardian crew have unanimously agreed to nominate him for a National Award for bravery in the face of adversity.

No doubt one of the reasons they cannot stand this young man is because he contradicts their nasty campaign of instilling ethnic tension in Guyana and clearly shows that the PPP/C Government is all inclusive and all races play important role in the party and state.

In this party people are not seen by their colour but by their ability and i think their faith in Kwame has been vindicated as he will not be oppressed by the real oppressors in our society.

We welcome the continued march over to the PPP by former PNC supporters and Kwame keep up your guard as they will come harder at you.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


El Toro while i do not agree with some of the contents in your last post some are indeed true, sad to say.

But friend you cannot fight fire with fire as you concluded, time has a way of getting back at those people who have managed to escape responsibility for their crimes.

I also noticed one interesting feature from your post which now bring me to the question: How Many Vehicles Does Mark Benschop really have?

I think just like the Finance Intelligence Unit is going after drug dealers they shoudl also investigate Mark Benschop. How could a man who was literally a nobody prior to going to jail for treason - suddenly amass such a substantial amount of wealth?

This is his FORD registration GMM 212

This is his FORD registration GLL 3101

These are just two of his vehicles and why would he be carrying around $250,000 dollars?

As i said on Demerara Waves, is he not afraid of the criminals?

If he is not afraid of being robbed - why is he not afraid?

In the last photo you could see his criminal friend Julia Johnson to the right dressed in pink - no doubt clothes and equipment which were paid for using blood money!


So i just arose from the slumber after a wild night of boozing at Jack Palance and i came across this article on -

Halleluah - praise be to the spirits in this bottle i am about to take a sip from...uahhh...swallows hard...nothing like extra mature on de rocks!

Why those frikcers could not have burnt that vehicle to shreds.

Yo dats blood money which bought that vehicle for Mark Benscop - the blood of all my people.

That is why Mark Benschop can never find peace for the rest of his life and in the next as the souls of so many people who were murdered in their beds or dragged off into the cane fields and tortured, then slaughtered or those who they drove up on an sprayed with bullets or that old couple who were slaughtered in Agricola and their home set alight- they all will continue to tug at him.

Benschop already looks like a living dead and paired with his friend FREDDIE - boy you now understand that just like birds of a feather flock together - these two devils cannot live without one another.

Benschop somehow believes that because he is an Angel of Death people will be afraid of him but he really dosen't know Kwame McKoy - big up dude.

I don't care what they say you are, you keep taking the fight to these sonofabitches - thats why they can't stand you Kwame and they will always seek to attack you because you always fight back and when they push you push harder.

They want to take photos of the man's house well do that - but why does benschop have to leave his huge Ford vehicle to do that - could he have not taken those photos from inside his vehicle - it does not take a genius to figure that out.

But no, benschop had to come out his vehicle and enter the man's property because he wanted a showdown with Kwame.

Mark Benschop is not the only individual who has supporters and i dont know who damaged his vehicle but i want to offer my congratulations to them - unless this was a doing of Mark himself to put Kwame in trouble with the law.

The cannot rule out anything with this fool.

I saw Mark crime parthner Julia Johnson on the scene - she is another one who was collecting the blood money to run Prime News.

Adam has the balls to talk up now but during the crime wave when the gunmen used to come and even pick her up and take her to Buxton, he could not say shit to her as he was afraid his head would be blown off.

Now he wants to big up himself.

Time is slowly catching up with these criminals who have parading as journalists in Guyana.

Friday, March 4, 2011


For a man who was driving a crummy old car prior to leading several protesters to their deaths by invading the Office of the President and subsequent time in prison: Mark Benschop is riding nice.

At a time when the rich all across the world are giving up their huge SUV's and Pick Up Trucks for smaller vehicles because of their gas guzzling nature, poor Mark Benschop rolls around Guyana with this beauty of a FORD.

This is just one of his many vehicles as he also owns a red Toyota Tacoma pick-up truck.

If these are just his vehicles, imagine other aspects of his lavish lifestyle.

And this is one of the individuals who claim that life in Guyana is so unbearable because of the conditions under the PPP/C Government.

If he were still living under a PNC Government he would be fortunate to ride around with a big-benz bicycle and a polythene bag to pack bits and pieces of scraps to feed his family in the little room of the dilapidated range house they would have been cramped in.

One has to ask the question though, where is he getting the finance from to accumulate such wealth or was this his share of the blood loot collected by the 5-escapees in their deadly crime reign during the time he was in prison for which he collected with interest after he was pardoned by President Bharrat Jagdeo?


As is everything else, only in Guyana could a self confessed man kisser and book thief lecture others about morality in life.

Freddie Kissoon is an individual that this writer does not know personally and i do share some of his anger at certain actions taken by this Government.

However, that is where it ends as what Kissoon does not understand is he is helping to galvanise the ongoing migration of traditional opposition supporters into the camp of the PPP/C.

Why so? You may ask.


Yes, Kissoon and his colleagues are by far better actors than those we have in Hollywood.
In fact i was shocked to not having seen them make an appearance on the red carpet (not velvet Kissoon) at the recent Oscars.

Kissoon draws his support from like minded extremists and they are very rare in Guyana.

That is why he has been so keen to forge alliances with the likes of Mark Benschop, Adam Harris, Norris Whitter, Lincoln Lewis & Christopher Ram.

This is it guys, the "extremist opposition" currently on show. Six men who somehow feel they are the voice of a significant portion of Guyanese disillusioned with the current administration.

Quick question - if this is so, why are these men all alone in their protest action and everything else they do.

Fear maybe? Of retribution by this vile Jagdeo Government!

But how can they be fearful, when Freddie and his colleagues have consistently made very acid allegations which have all been proven wrong and yet none of these men have become martyrs?

They talk about anything they wish, protest whenever and wherever they want and when they go too far and break the laws of the country - same laws which were in place for so many years under the PNC Government at a time when they were very quiet - they make the most wildest allegations.

Somehow they feel that once you are an extremist opposition you are apparently untouchable and beyond reproach from the law.

Yet these very same angels quickly rush to point out the need for others to be held accountable.

And this brings me to the point i am making. The double standards exhibited is not fooling anyone except Kissoon and his gang.

In fact even those who were not considered supporters of the Government are gradually feeling that these extremists are taking advantage of the state and are actually abusing their privileges as Guyanese.

No one likes to see another being taken advantage of and despite all their claims of corruption, not one of these men have been able to point conclusively to any evidence of wrongdoing or move to have charges instituted against that individual.

All their concerns are rather procedural and issues where the system could be tweaked to make it more efficient in keeping with a constantly evolving process of Governance in all areas and sectors of the nation.

People fail to believe the accusations of a lack of transparency as would be alleged by Kissoon in his Kaieteur News column and then in the said newspaper, all manner of documents and information are produced and published and state representatives are constantly questioned but apparently their answers no matter how pellucid are never enough to satiate some sections of the media.

A classic example is in today's kaieteur news where Kissoon in his usual tribal ranting which sometimes border on a call to genocide once again tries to make his case that Guyana is currently a dictatorship. This little idiot is quickly contradicted by no other than his colleague commentator in the very newspaper Stella who states " Guyana is a free country" in her critique of a story appearing in the Guyana Chronicle recently.

It is examples such as this where Kissoon has now found himself in the unfortunate situation where he is tolerated because he can be usefull to the opposition as was the case with Mark Benschop and then when the shit hits the fan, he will obviously be the fall guy.

But Kissoon as his friend Mark are too infatuated with their respective egos to take notice.

However, the Guyanese people have noticed and that is why they will continue to keep each other warm during their protest action as everyone is conscious enough not to get trapped in their sinister web of lies and devilish dealings.

Guyanese have not forgotten that Mark Benschop has blood on his hands for all the Guyanese who were slaughtered when he was a director of the 5 prison escapees and their subsequent gangs.

Their efforts at race baiting to create ethnic tension using a very subliminal strategy has already been deciphered as they should be reminded that Guyanese of all races were killed at the hands of these criminals and the public at large has not forgotten.

To add to their crying in the wilderness - of replacing the PPP/C Government at all cost - is the unanimous question - WITH WHAT or WHO?

Khemraj Ramjattan of the AFC - this man who gets so drunk he collapses on the ground and has to be dragged to the back of his vehicle and loaded as baggage and driven home by his former driver. (Full details in a later post)

Granger of the PNC/R- who was Chief-of-Staff during a period of dictatorship for which he supported its efforts to further entrench its long tentacles across every aspect of livelihood in Guyana including to dictate what Guyanese must eat.

What are the other options - NONE!

So this is basically Kissoon telling a man to move out from his home, without providing another shelter.

Tell me who in their right mind (who are not mad) would heed such a call: only the usual suspects.

I rest my case.